Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fortune Cookie Wisdom...

Call it Karma, coincidence, or what have you but here is my fortune from lunch

To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail.

With round one of Crusty v. Endo looming this weekend and my confidence level slightly diminished after racing in Michigan this was just I needed.  You see I tend to hold something back when I race, for what I have no idea.  I find it hard to push into the blurry eyed, snot dripping, drooling from the mouth zone when racing instead always holding something in reserve never risking it all in the moment.  I have been in the red zone many times - doing intervals, Wednesday Night practice, but very seldom when it matters most.  With bragging rights on the line Saturday I am committed to pushing myself and finding the place inside where my inner demons dwell and kicking their ass. is to racing and holding nothing back.

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